Why Successful Companies Have Art In Their Offices And Why Your Company Should Have It Too

WHY SUCCESSFUL COMPANIES HAVE ART IN THEIR OFFICES AND WHY YOUR COMPANY SHOULD HAVE IT TOO Have you ever wondered why companies like Google, Adobe, Facebook and Deutsche Bank are paying close attention to their corporate office’s interior design and always have art in their offices?   Not only is art visually appealing, but studies have also actually proven

Why Successful Companies Have Art In Their Offices And Why Your Company Should Have It Too Read More »

Corporate Design: All You Wanted To Know

CORPORATE DESIGN: ALL YOU WANTED TO KNOW By Dari Ingal What is a corporate design?    Corporate design is the visual identity of the company. It is one united style used in all visual communication of the company with its customers/ partners/investors and stockholders.   Who needs corporate Design? Although, the name of the term

Corporate Design: All You Wanted To Know Read More »

3 Easy-to-Follow Steps for Perfect House Decoration

By: Dari Ingal Founder and CEO of ARTlantic Design Steps for Perfect House Decoration There are many different rules in interior design and different things to consider when decorating your house. It can be overwhelming sometimes, so I made this 3-step, easy-to-follow guide. If you implement these 3 things when decorating your house, I can

3 Easy-to-Follow Steps for Perfect House Decoration Read More »

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